PICO Station is a simulation that instructs the user to recognize and evaluate appropriate evidence-based research in order to make informed decisions about client care.
The objective of this simulation is to use evidence-based research to:
- Determine aspects of the case using the PICO method
- Formulate a good clinical question
- Conduct a database search for applicable evidence-based sources
- Evaluate research based on the client’s needs
Each client’s case will unfold into four modules.
Each module is interactive and you will be required to perform different tasks. You will receive a score for each module and a final score will be determined by combining the module scores.
You have 3 attempts to complete PICO Station. Your progress will be saved after the completion of a module within a case. If your play is interrupted, you will be given the choice of restarting. If you choose to restart, the client’s bio will be revisited and the game will resume from the last module completed, or start completely over.
Suggestion: Have a note pad and pen available for note taking while completing the simulations.
All commands in PICO Station are issued with a left button click from a mouse or touch pad.
The following commands are available throughout the PICO station simulation unless otherwise noted. Each module within PICO station does have individual commands that will be presented when playing.
The instructions button will bring up information about how to play the module that you are currently in. It will also outline how you gain points while playing.
The hint button will answer a single question or remove one or more incorrect answers from your available choices. You will not lose points for using a hint. The hint button takes time to recharge once used and hints are not available in all modules.
MUTE Control
To play PICO Station without hearing Goni’s voice, click the top of the mute control. You can turn it back on at any time by clicking on the bottom of the mute control.
When you complete the four PICO Station cases successfully you will earn 2 Competency Assessment Units (CAU) for your participation, or you can simply earn 0.5 CAU for each case. You will also receive reading recommendations to allow you to learn more about the PICO method and evidence-based research. All articles listed in the recommendations can be accessed in the ProQuest database which is provided by NBCOT at no additional cost to you.
Once you have completed a case, click “The End” to close the simulation and record your CAU.